Frequently asked questions

What can I do with Pynetics?

Pynetics is Free and Open-Source Software available under the OSI-approved MIT license. This means it is free as in “free beer”.

In essence, you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source.

In addition, all the documentation is licensed under the permisive Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0) license, with attribution to “Alberto Díaz-Álvarez and the Pynetics community.”

For full details, take a look at the file in the Pynetics repository.

I would like to contribute! How can I get started?

Awesome! In fact, it is one of the main reasons why this library is free, to continuously improve with your ideas and innovations and give back to the community.

There are many different ways to collaborate: developing new features, improving documentation, adding examples, identifying bugs, … A very interesting starting point are the issues; you can create one related to the missing or failed functionalities or examples, or you can also choose the one that most appeals to you to fork the repo, modify it and submit a Merge Request with your changes (TODO CREATE A CONTRIBUTING AND A CODE OF CONDUCT FILES AND LINK TO THEM).

You also have the option to enter our Discord Server, to comment on your concerns or on what you could contribute. You can even help us to identify how to better organize the project. Any help is welcome.